Cambodia - Siem Reap


Intriguing Facets of Angkor Wat

Breathtaking vistas and cultural richness magnetizes visitors to Angkor Wat in Siem Reap. Wander around this ancient, tranquil and mysterious kingdom delving in the intriguing history of the Khmer Empire. A visit to Angkor Wat Temple is memorable.


The Exquisite Temples of Angkor

Siem Reap is Cambodia’s religious hub. The city is smattered with numerous lesser known temples and ancient ruins that showcase the incredible Khmer architecture. A perfect offbeat experience for history buffs and explorative travelers.


Glitzy and Glamorous Siem Reap

A city that embraces all kinds of travelers, Siem Reap is a perfect blend of traditional and modern culture. A city bustling with life, the vibe is contagious and makes for a truly immersive experience.


The Intriguing Floating Villages of Cambodia

Cambodia’s floating villages are an incredible way to have an offbeat experience of this intriguing land. The history, culture and sheer resilience of this ecosystem that lives on the Tonle Sap Lake will leave you in awe and with lasting memories.